If your KRA status is HOLD/REJECT
in that case, kindly click on the following link to resubmit your KRA application.
Re-Kyc Link: https://ekyc.profitmart.in:9000/directpan.aspx
If your KRA status is verified and still not validated
in that case click on the following links to find out the reason behind the same. you have to click on the link of the KRA agency in which you had done your initial KRA process.
CVL KRA: https://validate.cvlindia.com/CVLKRAVerification_V1/
KARVY KRA: https://www.karvykra.com/KYC_Validation/Default.aspx
NDML KRA: https://kra.ndml.in/ClientInitiatedKYC-webApp/#/ClientinitiatedKYC
DOTEX KRA: https://www.nsekra.com/
CAMS KRA: https://qrkra.camsonline.com/KRAAADHAARWEB/MobileApp/ARV.aspx
If Your KRA is verified but not validated due to pending confirmation of your mobile number and your Email ID
In that case, you can verify the same on the respective KRA agencies’ websites, the links given above. OR if the given email ID / mobile number is wrong or not in use anymore then click on the following link to resubmit a new KRA application.
Re-Kyc Link: https://ekyc.profitmart.in:9000/directpan.aspx
If Your KRA is verified but not validated because your KRA application was done without Aadhar card as proof address
In this scenario, resubmission needs to be done on the re-KYC portal.
Re-Kyc Link: https://ekyc.profitmart.in:9000/directpan.aspx
KRA Verification Process – Non-individual
Please contact Profitmat’s nearest branch https://profitmart.in/branches/
If you need assistance, please contact our support team at support@profitmart.in OR 020 49119119.