Privacy Policy
We take your privacy very seriously
PROFITMART is strongly committed to every individual’s right to privacy and to keeping personal and financial information secure. As part of the effort to earn your trust and confidence in our commitment, we are fully disclosing our privacy practices. We, therefore, encourage you to read our privacy statement to familiarize and understand the types of personally identifiable information we collect and how we use this information.
All the personal information which you will provide while registering for the internet trading account, will be kept secret. Only those people or companies can access the information who are authorized to do so. Information gathered is mainly utilized to customize the content you see, attend your request promptly and notify you about the updation on site.
Profitmart will preserve all your personal information and will be use as the database for the personal use of Profitmart . This information will be provided to those who are authorized to use the user database for Profitmart services. Profitmart will provide the facility to edit your Account information and preferences at any time. Your account information is password protected for your security and privacy. Please do maintain the secrecy and privacy of your user name and password to protect it from any unauthorized access. The secrecy of your user name and password will be wholly yours.